DUST HANDLING DUST FOR DOORS Currently, the market has many different types of decorative door curtains. Each house is designed with its own unique style of architecture and interior decoration. Therefore, choose a type of curtain with a design, pattern and color, suitable for the purpose of the homeowner. A suitable curtain set will increase the beauty and elegance of your home and living space. The advantage of high-end aluminum doors is the huge glass area. There are door sets accounting for 90% of the door set area. Large door spaces provide large amounts of natural light. At the same time, it also creates great viewing angles for outer space. The curtains are like a witch's hand to shield the interior of the house. Shielding sun, rain, wind, dust. Below Grando shares some tips to help you clean curtains. From there, you will have more experience taking care of the home.
Use a lint roller with a dirt-sticky adhesive layer, it will completely remove the pet hair, dirt, ... on the curtains. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove dirt that is deep in the fabric curtain surface. Maximize the amount of dust and dirt for a long time. Using a soft brush, brushing the surface of the curtain fabric effectively removes the dirt. In case the above treatments do not completely solve the dirt problem, immediately think about removing the curtains and washing with water. Should use safe detergent as well.
Some common types of curtains today
Curtain falls
This type of curtain is often used in the decoration of windows and doors. Curtain is popularly used for houses that like romance and luxury. The outstanding feature of the curtain is to create a luxurious space. Create accent for the house and very good heat resistance. Depending on usage needs, homeowners choose polyester or fabric for their home. In addition, depending on the preferences and design of the door, homeowners can choose the type of curtain that opens from two sides or opens to one side. With windows, you can choose the size of the curtain to cover all the walls or just cover all the windows.
Layered curtains
Layered curtains are vertical open curtains. The body of the curtain is divided into folds that open and close depending on the user's preference. Layered curtains are often suitable for homeowners who love a simple neat. In addition, this curtain is also especially suitable for families with young children. It avoids hyperactive children swinging and clinging to the curtain.
Roll curtains
There is a vertical opening mechanism of a rolling curtain similar to a layered curtain. However, rolling-up curtains work according to the rule of rolling, not folded into each fold. Normally, homeowners do not choose a full-sheet curtain for large aluminum doors. They tend to split the curtain in half, the homeowner will only open the curtains on the side or are used frequently.
Flute curtains
Can rotate up and down 180 degrees, pull up at many heights or drop low, helping homeowners easily adjust the level of light for their home. The ability to block the sun of the blinds is 100% absolute. The material of the curtain fabric is usually wood, aluminum or plastic, providing durability and high cleaning ability. Vertical leaf curtains, flip curtain This is a type of curtain that has been favored by designers and home deco in recent years. Vertical leaf curtains have one or two side opening mechanisms. It is not necessary to open all the curtains to let light into the room. A special feature of vertical leaf curtains is the flexible structure of the curtain leaves. They allow the homeowner to adjust the opening of the curtains. Helps adjust the amount of light, the direction of light absorbed through the curtain.
Read the article to choose the right curtain color!
HOW TO TREAT THE DUST A house in any style still needs a set of curtains. Modern or classic style, curtains are also indispensable. Curtain works to block direct sunlight into the house. In addition, it also brings high aesthetics to the house. A beautiful living space with luxurious interior without proper curtains or curtains will ruin the house's aesthetic. Therefore, choosing curtains according to the color of the wall paint is extremely important and inevitable. See more green space in modern architecture
Choose curtains with the same color as the wall paint
Curtains in the same tone as the house's wall paint color to create a harmonious, gentle and balanced space. In the case, if the wall paint color has combined both hot and cold colors, you should choose a fabric curtains with embossed pattern in the same tone for a neutral look or one color. If you like monochrome curtains, you should choose a color of curtains with the same color tone as the wall paint. However, it should be darker or lighter than the paint on the wall, not the same color.
Choose a color of curtains with opposite tones
HOW TO TREAT DUST FOR BLOOD DUST If you want to make a difference and create a new highlight for the room, try choosing a color of curtain in a style that contrasts with the color of the wall. This color scheme is suitable for anyone who likes a new, unique and youthful style. In addition, this trend is also suitable for spaces such as bathrooms, kitchens, children's rooms. Choosing curtains according to the color of the wall paint offers nothingAn neutral Curtain has a neutral color that makes a wall stand out more. If the walls are painted in striking colors, you can soften the space by choosing neutral curtains on hot summer days. Contact 0917.522.222 for further advice