19/08/2020 - Author: Grando
Forests play a huge and irreplaceable role in human life. However, people seem to be forgetting about it. Despite all their priceless interests in natural conditions, ecosystems, economics, society and health, humans are mercilessly destroying the forest.

Are we “supporting” the forest… “Kill fish using plastic bags, kill trees using paper bags destroy the forest” We cannot attribute everything and blame it. But we need to have a standard of usage. There is a serious sense of materials that directly affect nature to protect forests.

The role of forests and forest protection

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 Forest protection

  • Tell you about 12 types of green plants to help clean the air in your home
  • The trend of using modern aluminum doors

Forests play a huge and irreplaceable role in human life. However, people seem to be forgetting about it. Despite all their priceless interests in natural conditions, ecosystems, economics, society and health, humans are mercilessly destroying the forest. There are too many things to argue about. People deforestation to build hydroelectricity and economy. They deforest to develop business service facilities. They deforestation for mining and mineral exploitation. They cut down the forest for slash-and-burn cultivation, even deforestation for self-seeking purposes. They cut wood to make houses, furniture, burn forests for charcoal ...

Forest protection in the eyes of the world
Did you know that there are 7.7 billion people in the world. All living activities and living activities still depend on the forest. Forests play a huge role in the fight against global climate change. Forests provide the source of oxygen to the atmosphere. Forests retain large amounts of CO2 released. Forests contribute to the storage of water resources for rivers. Forests are the source of water for nearly 50% of the world's largest cities. Forests create and maintain soil fertility. Forests adjust the negative impacts of bad weather phenomena such as droughts, storms, floods ... Forests are ecosystems of the greatest and diversified value and are home to more than half of all animal species. terrestrial animals and insects. According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) published the figures that startled us. Every year, about 130,000 square kilometers of forests around the world are lost due to deforestation. It narrows the habitats of two-thirds of all species on Earth. It causes a serious decline in biodiversity. If this situation continues then in the near future, we will have to say goodbye to 100 species. Not only that, the conversion of afforestation land to agricultural land, residential land. Unsustainable timber harvesting, ineffective land management… are also reasons for the loss of forests. With the current deforestation, by 2050, up to 20% of the world's population (2 billion people) will be dehydrated. This happened in developing countries. Not only that, the food is also at risk because water for irrigation has also become scarce.

The story of forest protection today.

nạn phá rừng
Deforestation The story of the management and protection of the "green lung" of the Earth is and will have many problems to ponder. In which, the most alarming thing is that the forest was destroyed by excessive human demand. In Vietnam, though many efforts have been made to strengthen and enforce the law on forest protection. However, the current status of illegal logging is still a painful problem. Not to mention the problem of illegal timber trade with large-scale networks. Not a small impact on the entire forest area nationwide, including forests that are planned for protection. Loss of forest entails many consequences. Storms and storms occurring on Vietnamese territory are increasing both in frequency and danger, becoming a real threat to human life and economic development. Headwater deforestation for timber extraction, agricultural development, hydropower ... makes the vegetation cover in the basin less and less, leading to the ability to stop the flow less, floods concentrate faster, the forest elephant leaves to the village. killing people, destroying property ...

Solutions to protect forests

  • Raising awareness of forest protection
  • Not indiscriminately deforestation, take scientific measures to protect forests.
  • Limit the use of wood for non-essential needs such as houses, furniture, using furniture with other materials such as steel, plastic, industrial wood, aluminum, stainless steel, ...

Aluminum materials - a green material for a sustainable future


  • Read the article now to have more experience in starting a career with aluminum and glass

Although it has just appeared popular in the Vietnamese construction industry in the past few decades. But aluminum is a green material, widely used. Aluminum is considered by experts and architects to be a green, environmentally friendly material. Aluminum creates many changes in the design and construction of buildings.

Here are some reviews of this green resource:
1 - Environmentally friendly. Aluminum is recyclable at the end of the product's life cycle. Aluminum is reused without any quality loss.

2 - Large aluminum reserves: is one of the most abundant elements in the earth's crust, second only to oxygen and silicon.

3 - Light weight aluminum. Aluminum is convenient for transportation and production. When combined with other materials, it forms aluminum alloy. Aluminum alloys have a hardness equivalent to that of steel but of weight belching is only 1/3.

4 - High durability: Aluminum alloy is quite stable even in harsh conditions from the outside.

5 - Ecosystem protection: green materials minimize the problem of environmental pollution. Help balance the ecosystem, limit deforestation, help fresh air. From there, better protection of human life.

6 - Consolidate sustainable development: green building materials not only create benefits in the short term. It also increases the sustainability of the buildings and the longer the construction period is more sustainable.

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