16/05/2019 - Author: Grando

The photo contest "The Moment of Do Thanh" officially ended after nearly a month of implementation. Each contest work has its own color, not fussy, unobtrusive but still leaves a strong impression on viewers by the spirit conveyed in each photo.


The award was announced and awarded at the company's 25th anniversary gala on May 12, 2019. The organizers awarded 2 award categories including awards voted by the jury and voted by the audience.

Prize by the audience
The prize voted by the audience belonged to the teams with the most total like + Share + Comment points, including:

1 first prize:

  • Sales department: 20,659 points

2 second prizes:

  • Accounting Department: 14,306 points
  • Planning Department: 8,399

3 third prizes:

  • Human Resources Administration: 4.956 points
  • Finished goods warehouse: 4,428 points
  • Material room: 1,595 points

The award is voted by the jury
The awards voted by the jury will be based on beautiful criteria, showing solidarity as well as collective strength. In the prize category voted by the BGK, the team that won the first prize was not selected.

2 second prizes

  • PX machine:
  • Human resorce

2 third prizes:

  • Electromechanical PX
  • Accounting department:

The Organizing Committee would like to thank all staff members and departments for actively participating in activities towards the 25th anniversary, contributing to spreading good values ​​to each employee of Do Thanh Aluminum Factory and brand image to the community. Let's take a look at 17 pictures of the contest "Moment of Chengdu"

Phòng Hành Chính NS - Khoảng khắc Đô Thành

The photo of the HCNS competition with the message "Grando is always in my heart"

Phân xưởng máy - Khoảnh khắc Đô Thành

The photo of the machine workshop was highly appreciated from the judges

Phân Xưởng Cơ Điện

Photo contest of the electromechanical workshop shows the details of the work

Phòng Kinh Doanh - Khoảnh khắc Đô Thành

"The heart is always on Do Thanh Aluminum" is the message that the sales department wants to convey in the photo

Phòng Vật Tư

Delicious - cheap - cheap is the working criterion of the supplies department

Phân Xưởng Sơn TS

The Son Thai Son workshop shows solidarity in labor.

Phân Xưởng Sơn

Photo contest collective Son workshop

Kho Kết Cấu

Contest photo of structure warehouse '

Phân Xưởng Mạ

Creativity - unity - efficiency is what the plating workshop is about

Phòng Kĩ Thuật

Technical room contest photo

Phòng Thiết kế và QLCL -  Khoảnh khắc Đô Thành

Together with unanimity, together overcoming all challenges is the message that the design department and QM wants to convey

Phòng Dự Án

Customer satisfaction is the aim of the project department to achieve

Phân Xưởng Kho Thành Phẩm

Photo contest of Finished Products Warehouse

Phòng Kế hoạch -  Khoảnh khắc Đô Thành

Photo contest planning room

Phòng Kế Toán

Accounting room contest photo

Phòng Marketing - Khoảnh khắc Đô Thành

Photo contest for Marketing Department

Phân xưởng Kho Hà Nội

Photo contest of Hanoi warehouse

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